Welcome to SIA and A&D Yearbooks
View our yearbooks
ATTENTION: To all Graduating Classes:
We now have all the yearbooks online, from 1942 to the last graduating class [current year]. For the exception of the 1973 yearbook which was never completed. The 1973 ''missing yearbook" is in the final stages of being put together for printing.. if you are interested in purchasing one, just contact me at editor@artalumni.com and I will give you the details.
I want to personally thank all the alumni that lent me their precious yearbooks and other items, so that I could scan them and place them on the website. I so enjoyed this project more than I ever thought I would. The scanning was many hours of hard work, but the look into the decades of artwork, fashions and trends was so pleasurable for me! It truly was a gift to me and hopefully all the alumni that walks through the memories everyday.
____We have 75 albums online! In addition to some commencement programs._If you have any artifacts such as buttons or commencement programs etc, just contact me, for details. If you are reluctant to let your original programs/artifacts out of your sight and want to scan it yourself, I can give you the specifications to do so. We only post items with the permission of the owners.
So, if you can find any additional items in those basements, attics, drawers, old boxes and hiding places you might have ...and want to share those precious memories with the alumni ... just contact me at editor@artalumni.com!
My very best wishes to you all,
Terrianne Benton-Danielson
Class of 1961