Lament Of An Urban Virgin |
I think it's a pity
That in this great city A girl must be witty to go out with men For should they discover That she's had no lover Or lives with her mother, they won't call again Oh, they won't call again A young man, to start with Will cause much disheart'ment While at his apartment his hands, they do roam The rest of the evening Will find you both grieving While he's not believing your wish to go home Oh, your wish to go home They'll wine you and dine you And want a good time, too But if you decline to give in it's a waste I deplore such coercion For love's no diversion And I'm just a virgin who wants to stay chaste Oh, who wants to stay chaste Now, Tom, Dick and Harry And Charlie, and Larry Would rather not marry while they can have fun And so I'm still waiting And hoping, and dating... It's getting frustrating as I'm ninety-one Oh, as I'm ninety one |